Friday, July 6, 2012

Calm During the Midst of a Storm

I titled this post "Calm During the Midst of a Storm", because currently that is where I am at.  See being bipolar sometimes you get to experience all different types of emotions all at the same time.  Sometimes you get to feel what they call "manic" which is a high, it is a feeling like you can do anything, nothing can stop you, you can go long periods of time with little to no sleep.  Then there are the times that you feel depressed, no need to explain that, right.  So imagine all those feelings coming and going some days are good days, some days are bad, some days are sad, whatever.  Before I left Colorado my doctor adjusted my medication to help ward off any period of manic, depression or mixed state.  He did this with hopes that I could maintain "stable" under a very stressful time.  Stress is a huge player when someone is bipolar.  Eliminate the stress and you can pretty much maintain "normal".  However, add in a lot of stress and you create a huge problem.  Well, needless to say although great attempts were made the adjustment to my medication did not help.  I have been doing okay.  That is to say I have been managing.  Well over the last several days I have been riding a perpetual roller coaster.  Basically having a lot of ups and a lot of downs.  This is due to the fact that I have just experienced one of the most stressful things anyone can experience and that is a move. The only way to stop the roller coaster is to adjust medication.  I am actually trying to get this done but having a hard time doing so because I can not get in to see a doctor anytime sooner then the next 2-3 months.  A lot of that has to do with the fact that I currently don't have insurance.  So what we have decided to do is ride out the storm.  Some of you (especially those that know me) are saying uh, I don't think that is a good idea.   Yea, you are more then likely right.  So while (today anyways) I am experiencing a calm, my hope and prayer is that this will maintain.  

I need to have faith, that the storm is over and this is not just a calm during a storm.

So instead of closing this post out in a prayer, I am going to ask those that read this pray for me.  I ask that you pray for a continued "calm", "normal" whatever you want to call it.  Pray that stability will come without needing to adjust my medication.  If we have to pray that I will find a doctor that can see me and work with me on the payment of the office visit. And pray however the Lord would lead you to pray.

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